Hoot Your Way to a Better Head Voice: Unleash Your Inner Owl #howtosing #learn #music #singwithjosh Mar 24, 2023

Hey there!

Looking to improve your head voice? Why not try hooting like an owl?

Hooting can help you develop better breath control and resonance in your head voice. By mimicking the way an owl hoots, you can experiment with different pitches and tones to expand your range and find new ways to use...

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Singing Lessons with a Twist: The Benefits of Braying Like a Donkey #howtosing #kids #singer #singwithjosh Mar 22, 2023

Who says singing lessons have to be serious and stuffy? In fact, incorporating some playful elements can actually make the learning process more enjoyable and effective.

Braying like a donkey is a perfect example of this - not only is it a fun and silly activity, but it also helps to build the...

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How to Teach Kids to Sing - Part 3 #howtosing #music #singwithjosh #voice Mar 18, 2023


Are you looking for a fun and effective way to improve your child's singing skills? Look no further than the humble donkey!

Braying like a donkey is a fantastic exercise for building the muscles that control the voice, and it's also a great way to boost your child's self-confidence and...

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How to Sing for Kids - Part 2 #howtosing #kids #sing #singwithjosh Mar 17, 2023

Hey, night owls and singing enthusiasts!


Are you looking for a new way to improve your vocal skills? How about hooting like an owl?

Hoot for Head Voice!

I know, it may seem a little odd, but hear me out. Hooting can help you develop better breath control, expand your vocal range, and...

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How to Sing for Kids - Part 1 #howtosing #sing #singer #singwithjosh #voice Mar 16, 2023

Hello Friends,

Singing is a beautiful and expressive art form that allows us to communicate emotions, tell stories, and connect with others on a deeper level.

As singers, we strive to produce a rich and dynamic sound that captivates our audience and leaves them feeling moved. While it may sound...

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