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Put Your Oxygen Mask On First

how to sing online singing classes vocal lessons May 10, 2022

A lot is going on lately!

Illness, taxes, Covid, craZy schedules, you get the point - You have a lot going on, too!

Thank God for YouTube karaoke.

I'm not saying to shirk your responsibilities and sit in a dark room singing YouTube karaoke all day long, but if one fabulous show tune can get you clickin' your heels, you might be able to take care of the rest of your life, too.

Lately, I have been working on the Beast's role in the Broadway musical Beauty and the Beast.

It's a role I've always wanted to sing.

It makes me feel good to brood like the Beast. There's so much remorse in that character, so much anger and self-loathing - but also hope!

When I sing the Beast's tunes, my endorphins go up, my brain starts producing the "feel-good juices," and I'm ready to go about my day feeling groovy.

Singing is one of the world's best (free) feel-good medicines.

I've taught thousands of people how to access this endorphin-pumping skill.

Join up, and you can access world-class techniques and exercises that will help you sing better.

Let me know if you have any questions by leaving a comment.

Read more about the course here:

Sing out, y'all!

Try our free mini-course!

If you're not ready to sign-up, but want to learn to sing check-out our free mini-course! You can also find Sing With Josh on Youtube for free lessons and song interpretations.